Sunday, August 30, 2009

The Big Move

The car is all packed.
I snapped one last pic of the beach (I really am going to miss the ocean), said a teary eyed goodbye to my wonderful parents and brother Chris, and hit the road to pick up Ashley.

First stop...See Rock City.
It's a mountain top get to it, you have to drive through Georgia to Tennessee only to drive back into Georgia again...kinda backwards, but hey it's the south....and the view is totally worth it.
We stayed in Nashville, TN that night at Hotel Preston--such a fun hotel! The elevator is covered in red cow hide and mirrors--the lobby and guest rooms are full of old black and white photos of celebrities!
The bed was so comfy--and they even have a pillow menu--you can pick the kind of pillow that you want--how great is that?
We ordered room service and Cosmos and vegged out in our PJs. Amazing!
Second stop--one Giant Indian in the middle of now where--at some random apple orchard--I dont even know what state we were in...maybe Illinois...maybe is the key word. I fed a goat at their petting zoo and that was the first time I have ever done that--gross. I wont post a pic--it's not pretty!
We stayed in Madison, WI that night at a place called AmericInn--not as swanky--but just as comfortable--I totally passed out mid conversation with Ash.
The next morning, we got up and found a huge pink elephant wearing Ray-Bans!
The last "big stop" along the way was a visit to Paul Bunyan and Babe--yeah the blue ox! They had this statue and even a Paul Bunyan museum--we didn't go in, but I got some post cards in the gift shop.

Next stop--Minneapolis! My new home! I am so excited for this new chapter in my life to begin!


  1. I found your blog by hitting the "Next Blog" button at the top of my page. This is so much fun! I never know where it will take me.

    I live in MN - what are the odds? This is total fate - maybe. Perhaps I'm your future stalker, or you are mine.

    Wait... I am giving a very bad impression of Minnesotans.

    Good luck with your move.

  2. I have to ask, is that red and black rashy looking picture on the indian???
